businessman talking on mobile phone

Signing up for online access unlocks plan sponsor services, tools and resources that are designed to make your plan administration easier.

Sign up for online access

You can depend on us for:

Plan Health Dashboard
Provides a summary of where your plan is today

In a single glance, use the Plan Health Dashboard to take a closer look at how well your plan is performing and use the information to build a strategy designed to help participants achieve retirement readiness and financial wellness. Gain insights on:

  • Participant counts and actions
  • How your participants are saving and investing
  • Your participants’ retirement readiness progress

Digital payroll submissions system

FastPay makes submitting payroll and census data faster and easier while securing participant information.

  • Save time, improve accuracy and eliminate manual entry
  • Choose from 4 convenient submission methods
  • Submit a debit ACH payment with just a few steps
  • View and manage saved payrolls
  • Add or edit employment dates

Task Center
Digital workflow management platform

Task Center streamlines your administrative processes to help you save time, including:

  • Reminder emails to help you stay on track
  • Receive payroll change notices
  • Provide termination of employment dates for participant distribution requests

Resource Center
Innovations for your plan and your participants

Access resources and tools that can help to minimize your administrative burdens and support your participants in their retirement planning.

  • Learn about new capabilities and brush up on features you haven’t used lately
  • Obtain information and education you need to help fulfill your plan sponsor responsibilities
  • Find plan sponsor and participant resources, and also help guides in one location

You can expect regular enhancements so that plan administration gets even easier for you and your staff.
Obtain online access to your Nationwide retirement plan.
Sign up for online access